The weekly addition has been the recent rhythm of things, for some months. This week I can’t really justify putting the necessary time and effort into online content creation, but looking back at the site’s archives, at pages created in May in previous years, has reminded me of work that was, at the time, interesting to put together, things that seemed important, that I wanted to write about. I’m sorry that there’s nothing new to read on here this Tuesday in May 2017, but perhaps the following list will have something of interest from May in previous years.
May 2016
Including: a piece on Micklegate, stags and hens, and the ‘drinking culture’, a page exploring Stonegate paving, history, and authenticity, a signage selection, Ordnance Lane, Stonebow House and its future, the Foss Barrier, the continuing effects of the floods on Walmgate and Fossgate, and planning applications.
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May 2015
Including: Miller’s Yard and Gillygate Wholefood Bakery, Handsome but hidden: Yearsley Baths lettering, thoughts about the Corner House pub, a selection of photos from my wanderings – oh, and there was an election.
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May 2014
Including: pages on public toilets and their history, trees, plaques, Bootham Crescent, morris dancing, a ghost signs collection, and responses to my ‘York and York Stories’ survey.
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May 2013
Including … King’s Square: notes on a mulberry tree (a successful low-key ‘campaign’ to save a city centre tree), Harvey’s Gripe Mixture: an imagined ghost sign, on Barker Lane … plans for the Press offices on Walmgate, factory clocks, Strensall Common, thoughts on the planned Lendal Bridge traffic restrictions, old films, old aerial photos, and general May loveliness.
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May 2012
The Mayor-making ceremony, the YCFC victory parade: We are York, the related Oh Saint John Lewis, come and save us, also Ayre’s Yard and Breary’s Court, local details, and industrial heritage queries.
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And even longer ago …
In the early years of this website, before it went blog-like in late 2011, I occasionally put online photos and descriptions of walks in the Yorkshire countryside. A couple of these ancient pages can be found here:
May 2005: Kirkham Priory to Welburn (page 1, page 2, page 3)
May 2004: Fewston reservoir
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