Review of the year, 2021

Year in review: notes and thoughts on planning decisions and other local matters of interest I wasn’t able to cover at the time.
More …Year in review: notes and thoughts on planning decisions and other local matters of interest I wasn’t able to cover at the time.
More …A few thoughts/observations, on York in 2020. (Not my traditional ‘review of the year in pictures’. It has been a strange year. And I don’t have enough photos.)
More …Images from my wanderings, and cycling, in York in 2019. Looking for light, information, new angles on familiar things, and wishing you love, charity, light and peace in 2020.
More …A selection of photos, a reminder of things featured over the year, and the cheering news this summer about the Carlton Tavern appeal decision.
More …Photos, month by month, from in and around York, with thoughts on various planning matters decided or progressing this year.
More …Looking back on 2016, with a photo from each month and the thoughts and memories it provokes, from floods to lime flowers, and proclamations at the bars
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