Reflections on the new-look Stonebow House

Less concrete, more glass, and the interesting reflections and views through the remodelled Stonebow House.
More …Less concrete, more glass, and the interesting reflections and views through the remodelled Stonebow House.
More …A quick dash around Stonebow House, while we still can. Notes on some of the details of the planned changes. Admiring its steps, its views, and its social (rather than ‘antisocial’) uses.
More …The plans for Stonebow House, removing much of what it offered to the casual urban wanderer. An urban wanderer ponders the plans.
More …‘Possibly the most hated building in the UK’? Or just our own little Stonebow House … mentioned by the BBC … and an update
More …August 2004, from Stonebow House, looking along Stonebow towards Peasholme Green. Across the remnants of Russell’s Used Car Centre, towards Wynsors World of Shoes. It has changed a bit since.
More …So, I’m sure everyone’s dying to know the other results of the Stonebow survey not yet covered. Here are some bar charts, and an analysis, of sorts, and some vague imaginings.
More …Stonebow House: what would you like to see happen to the building? Your thoughts, and a mention/memory of its possible magic …
More …Inspired by your contributions: Stonebow House, a found poem. Each line is one of 25 responses to the York Stories survey question ‘Sum up Stonebow House in three words’.
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