Stories in the stones … Stonegate paving plans
The planned repaving of Stonegate in 2020: looking for more detail, beyond the much-quoted press release.
More …The planned repaving of Stonegate in 2020: looking for more detail, beyond the much-quoted press release.
More …Archive images of Stonegate, with a variety of surfaces. A few notes and observations in response to the paving/patching controversy.
More …Photos and observations on the repaving work in Exhibition Square. ‘Before and after’ photos.
More …In search of the truth about the cracked slabs in the new marketplace, and admiring a mix of old and new paving. Taking care not to slip on wet leaves.
More …As I’m sure most people know by now, the new paving in King’s Square, phase 1 of it, has recently been revealed. Photos and comments on social media and letters to the Press suggest that the reaction has been 99% negative. I thought I’d try to find something positive to say.
More …The King’s Square repaving has hit the national press. The Mail reported yesterday: ‘Ancient cobbled path leading to York’s Shambles ripped up and replaced with £500,000 of modern paving after being deemed unsuitable for disabled people’.
More …Time for another page about paving. Isn’t this exciting? We’re off down the back alleys behind Victorian terraced housing. Don’t all rush at once — and don’t trip over the bin bags.
We use the phrase More …