Review of the year, 2019
Images from my wanderings, and cycling, in York in 2019. Looking for light, information, new angles on familiar things, and wishing you love, charity, light and peace in 2020.
More …Images from my wanderings, and cycling, in York in 2019. Looking for light, information, new angles on familiar things, and wishing you love, charity, light and peace in 2020.
More …15 year review, part 1. Some brief thoughts on changes I’ve seen in York since 2004.
More …A visitor to York, 1840s, his impressions of Coney Street, the river Ouse, and the city in general, and his plans for enhancing the riverside areas.
More …A memorial garden, retained terracing and fencing, a flagpole, and a section of wall. Revised plans for Bootham Crescent appear on the planning portal.
More …Looking at the state of the Parliament Street paving, as an expensive repaving project is due to start soon in Stonegate.
More …Looking at the new store in the former BHS, and a much smaller shop down the road, and thinking (again) about Coney Street, and shopping, in the 21st century.
More …Christmas menu for RAF personnel in Ceylon, 1949, and photos connected with that document, from back in York.
More …Looking back to this day in 2010, when parts of the river Ouse were frozen over.
More …