During the Second World War, Yorkshire was home to around 40 airfields, many in the flat areas of the Vale of York. Thousands of airmen died flying from the Yorkshire airfields, many lost on training flights, because of weather conditions or aircraft malfunction. In recent decades memorials have been placed at some of these crash sites, and at former airfields.

East Moor airfield


View of East Moor airfield

The control tower is usually the most obvious building on these old airfields, but East Moor’s has been demolished. Peripheral airfield buildings remain, some hidden in the trees, some maintained and still used by local farmers and businesses. Many of the runways have been removed, but from the road skirting the southern part of the airfield this round area of hardstanding is still obvious, with an old piece of farm machinery left where the bombers once stood.

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Wombleton airfield memorial

September 2010

Wombleton memorial – detail

Taking the road north from the village of Nunnington, you might notice an old control tower in the flat lands on your left as you get close to Wombleton. Sections of old runway are also visible. … More …

Tholthorpe airfield memorial

September 2010

Tholthorpe airfield memorial

Tholthorpe, near Alne, was home to another World War Two airfield used by Canadian airmen. As at East Moor, agriculture continues alongside sections of crumbling runways and some peripheral remains of airfield accommodation.

Tholthorpe’s memorial, made of Canadian … More …