Writing about Scarborough Bridge reminded me of an earlier page on this site. One compiled, coincidentally, two years ago today, 5 Dec 2012. I’d been thinking for some time about different versions of ‘our city’. I still am. More on that later perhaps. For now, here’s a short section of the video it discusses. I love the way he talks about Scarborough Bridge.
(At 5 mins 47 secs if my carefully-cued code doesn’t start at the right place)
The links had stopped working on the earlier page as the video seems to have moved. This has now been fixed and my links relinked. The other clips include places recently discussed, including the Hiscox site, which was previously the site of the Peasholme Centre, and the Central Methodist Church, where Carecent is based. It also includes the full video. More here.
I’ve also been reminded of another video I watched back then, meant to mention, never did. It was filmed in a fairly small area near the Arc Light centre on Clarence Street, and again includes buildings I’ve covered on these pages. The boarded-up nurses’ accommodation in Bootham Park (since demolished) feature prominently, as does the front of Groves Chapel (still there) and Clarence Gardens. It’s proper local, conveys an important message, and is very nicely done.
It reminded of this video, also mentioned on this site before, some time back. It was filmed in the same area many years earlier (2001). Towards the end of the video above we saw a man sitting on a park bench in Clarence Gardens. This one starts with a more famous man, Rick Witter of Shed Seven, sitting in the same park. It then moves through the local area, the lane between the hospitals, Gillygate (before it had the large St John’s building at the end), Bootham, Bootham Park.
Many observations could be made about these creative representations of place. I’ll just leave them with you. There’s also that page from two years ago, which may be of interest. I hope so.
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