Pondering upon some very poor paving in Parliament Street

Looking at the state of the Parliament Street paving, as an expensive repaving project is due to start soon in Stonegate.
More …Looking at the state of the Parliament Street paving, as an expensive repaving project is due to start soon in Stonegate.
More …Looking at the new store in the former BHS, and a much smaller shop down the road, and thinking (again) about Coney Street, and shopping, in the 21st century.
More …The planned repaving of Stonegate in 2020: looking for more detail, beyond the much-quoted press release.
More …As concerns about closed shops in Coney Street continue, some observations on the past, present and possible future of this city centre shopping street.
More …An official notice in Bootham’s red phone box says it will be removed. Could it be adopted and retained, for a new use, on this main road into town?
More …Photos and notes on Queen Street bridge and its history, in response to interesting plans for changes around York’s railway station which will see the bridge demolished.
More …Focusing on fountains: the demolition of the Parliament Street fountain, and the possible restoration of a drinking fountain on Museum Street. Thinking about whether a new drinking fountain might be a good replacement for the Parliament Street ‘decorative’ fountain. (As long as it isn’t in the middle of the Jubbergate line.)
More …In which we wander down Foss Bank, and a snicket by Eboracum Way, and have a look, from various angles, at a new hotel building on Layerthorpe, next to the Foss.
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