We knew it was coming, but still quite a shock to see this …

Image of proposed housing development for Bootham Crescent football ground, from Persimmon, Sept 2018
Persimmon are holding a consultation event for their proposals for ‘approximately 80 new homes’ at Bootham Cresecent football ground.

Information regarding a consultation event for the proposed housing development for Bootham Crescent football ground, from Persimmon, Sept 2018
There has also been a statement today from the football club, which is worth a read.
In past years I’ve written a piece about aspects of the history of the Bootham Crescent ground. All pages tagged Bootham Crescent can be found on this link.
A page I published a few days ago includes an image of the new stadium build out at Monk’s Cross, with a thought about the significance and placement of any sizeable green space left between the houses back at Bootham Crescent, when the housing is built.
I will do my best to cover whatever develops regarding these proposals, and any future planning application, and will certainly be giving it a lot of attention, as someone who’s lived close to the ground for more than 20 years.
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Update, 26 Sept
I’ve just added more on the plans and consultation event held last week.
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