As previously mentioned, it’s ten years this month since I started my wanderings around York with a digital camera.
To mark this I’m revisiting, taking photos in 2014 of particular buildings and views first pictured in 2004, to see how they’ve changed. Using the same camera I used back then.
The old camera seems to work only with the smallest/oldest memory card I have, which I think is probably the card it arrived with, in late 2003. So the photos won’t be massive, and the revisiting walks will be kept quite short, but I like the idea of taking the same camera to the same places to record what has changed, a decade on.
There are other plans too, for revisiting further back, with a different camera. More on that story later.
Other things have changed, are changing, too.
But for now, let’s go for a winter wander by the Foss.
Perhaps while listening to Walk it Back, by REM.
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