Yesterday, 1st May, I attempted to catch up with some of the happenings regarding buildings. Today, 2nd May, I got around to doing what I really wanted to do yesterday but couldn’t for various reasons — I got out into the burgeoning green on the local patch. Not exactly on the doorstep, but near enough.
The recent situation seems to have made more people take more notice of local green places, and certainly I’ve noticed more people in the places where I used to walk and see hardly anyone. I can understand that it’s not very appealing in the long cold winter months. But now, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. If you’re too busy during the day, or finding it difficult to get motivated to get out into it, as I was, the bright evening light beckons. Some of the hawthorn blossom is just starting to open. Cow parsley in bloom soon. Just now is the right time to appreciate the ‘leaping greenly spirits of trees’, as the poet E E Cummings put it.
I’ve included a picture of these particular trees above before, some years back, five years back, while doing an ‘April daily photo‘ thing. I have thought about doing a ‘May daily’ this year, but if I can manage that, they won’t be very long. Just as this one isn’t. But anyway, just a reminder that when possible it’s a good idea to get away from staring at screens, and be thankful for
the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes— E E Cummings
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