June 2011
The former service hostel buildings behind York Art Gallery were used after the war as the Marygate Centre, for further education and evening classes. A section was used by York School of Art (their website includes some fab photos from the 50s-60s, including the long-forgotten sight of cars parked in Exhibition Square).
The art school already occupied one side of the art gallery, and later expanded to use part of these buildings behind it. Many thanks to John C, a former student, for the illustration. The areas used by York Art School are marked in orange.
Studied graphics at York School of Art in the 60’s and frequently used one of the huts for silk screening and photography lessons – wonderful times!!
Don’t seem to be able to access the art school website, would love to see some of the photos!
There isn’t a website any more John, which is a great pity as it was very good. The best thing is this and facebook if you are on it. We could set up a group if everyone is on facebook. Pauline/Bunty
Please let me know if you find a website or other contact information
Hi Norma/Moose, please get in touch.
Hi Pauline…great to here from you I’m so sorry to have missed all the reunions…are you still in the york area …..Norma x
Hi Norma, Sorry to have taken so long in replying, but I have only just got this message. A week after you sent it my daughter was involved in a near fatal accident and we have had an awful 5 months. Anyway she is back at work and I have regained most of my life. Do you get to York or are you in(was it South Africa)? Are you on facebook? Would love to hear from you.Bunty/Pauline
Studied at the Art school ’63-’64. Magic time.
I was there in the 60’s and I am sure I remember you Clive Quinn !
I think I remember your name Christine but can’t put a face to it. It was a LONG time ago!
My parents were at York Art School in 1959-1961, Antonia Mooney and (the late) Gordon Johnson. Am travelling to York this weekend with my mum and hoping to see some of the photos if the exhibition is still on? I am also trying to contact Paul Wilks who was at the Art School at the same time as my parents
Hi Rachel I have contact details for Paul Willis. Pauline Taylor
That should have said Paul Wilks, sorry
I was at school with Antonia Mooney
Pauline Quinton nee Baynes
Hi there,
I’m doing some research on some of the past pupils & staff from York School of Art and have come across a Pat Reed (Patrick Richard Reed). Does anyone remember Pat? If so, it would be great to hear from you.
Many thanks
Hello Lotti
I knew Pat Reed very well both in York and at the RCA – sadly he died recently. Christine
Hi Christine,
Thanks for your message. Yes, I was aware that he had sadly passed away in the Spring. We are organising an exhibition of some of his work which will be held in September… you may wish to come along. Do let me know if so and I will send you an invite…Lotte
Hi Chris
Don’t know your mobile No.I am in York for a few days maybe we could meet for a coffee in town.
Paul Wilks
Paul – Chris has just emailed a contact phone number which I’ve emailed on to you,
Paul Wilks is my cousin and I would love to contact him. i do go to London frequently where I believe he lives.
HEllo Rachel
I am still in York a lot. Remember your mum and dad at the art school. I may have some photos.I paint (unsuccessfuly) in London and write for the ‘Jackdaw’. Paul Wilks
I Paul, Nice to hear that you are well. Poor Tom had an heart attack this year in France, but he is back here now and OK. You must let us know when you are in York and free and we will have to arrange a get together with a few of us.
I have opened a new closed group on facebook called EASY group for those who are on facebook you can put all your messages and photo’s on there.
Pauline could you post a link tn the facebook site please.
If anyone remembers a Phil Dale who studied at York School of Art somewhere between 1967 – 1972 could they mention it here. Phil went on to work in props at York Theatre Royal and then later with the English National Opera.
Sadly he died in 2008 and his granddaughter, whn never met him would love to hear from anyone who could shed any light on his life: however small.
Hi Mike, you just need to go to the facebook page and put EASY group in search and it should come up. Can’t do the link thing. You may have to ask to join as it is a closed group. Hope you can find it OK. Pauline
Hi Mike did you manage to fine the EASY group page on FB? Pauline
Hello Mike, yes I was a student with Phil Dale on the Art for Architecture Course , so sorry to read that he died and so young.
Don’t know how to contact you other than here, also cannot locate the FB page referred to in other posts.
Hi Liz, Go to the FB page and type in EASY group and ask to join I think. Let me know how you get on and I can friend you on FB if that doesn’t work. Pauline
Thank you Pauline,I have not succeeded in finding the FB page – Easy Group does not bring up anything to do with York Art School, think I must be missing a trick somewhere.
Thanks for your prompt response Pauline: I did try that but struggled to track it down. I’ll try again.
Are you on facebook Mike?
I’m closing the comments on this page now, as it’s some years since it was first published. Thanks for all your comments. I’m glad it was helpful in filling in some gaps after the original site went offline. If it has been helpful, virtual coffees are always appreciated.
Lisa, http://www.yorkstories.co.uk