Blurry, brilliant, real York

I can’t write a lot at the moment, but have things bookmarked that I wanted to mention.

This is real York. Blurry video, but never mind. Captures something the tourist-orientated stuff doesn’t. Soundtrack from The Enemy, carefully chosen tracks. A favourite band and a well-known bus route home.

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Lisa @YorkStories is the creator, administrator, and writer of content on She can be contacted on this link or via Twitter, @YorkStories
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  1. this is great… what caught my eye, around 3:30 in, was the wide road, green verges, space in which to live…. you dont see that in new estates anymore…

  2. I used to live at 22 Acomb Green in 1955. It was interesting to take a bus ride again. The music is dreadfull.

  3. Must agree about the music,Handel’s Largo it ain’t.Serve us right for getting old!

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