Applications to fell trees in the city centre seem more and more common. Perhaps it’s just that I’m taking more notice these days. Anyway, here are a couple I’ve noticed, not far from one another. Links are included to the online planning records if you want to comment on these applications.
Robinia, Treasurer’s House garden
View into Treasurer’s House garden, May 2014
I think this must be it, the tree to the right of the two, just in front of the building.
I often stick my camera through the railings here when I’m walking along Chapter House Street, as it’s a lovely view across the garden and the front of the building. Here pictured a couple of weeks ago.
The tree is thought to be too close to the building. It’s a healthy tree, it’s about 20 years old, so in tree terms it has just got going. If it’s not appropriate for the location why was it planted there in the first place?
Its felling is supported by the Guildhall Planning Panel. For reasons unexplained.
Documents here, should you wish to read and comment: 14/01016/TCA | Fell Robinia, Tree in the Conservation Area | Treasurers House Minster Yard York YO1 7JL
Whitebeams, Bedern
Whitebeam tree, on Bedern (other tree is behind the one pictured), May 2014
Not far away, in the paved pedestrian street of Bedern, an application has been made to fell two trees. (One pictured here, the other is behind it.) It looks like they’ve been pruned many times (looking from underneath, up into the branches, though I’m no tree surgeon).
Here’s the information on the application to fell, if you’d like to read and perhaps comment: 14/01104/TCA | Fell Whitebeam x 2, Trees in the Conservation Area | Bedern York
One objection has been registered. I felt like cheering when I read it. Yes, the person objecting lives miles away from the ‘offending’ trees, but I like to see people speaking out on the subject of trees. I wish it happened more often.
Plant, fell, plant, fell …
These proposals to fell trees always come with the promise of planting another one. Increasingly this looks a bit pointless.
In Bedern, the applicants want to remove the trees and then start the process all over again by planting flowering cherries in more or less the same place. Which will presumably be felled as soon as they’re looking any good, because they’ll block out light to someone’s window or raise the paving or be judged to present some tiny possible risk of dropping a branch.
Seems the city centre is finding it harder and harder to accommodate trees, so perhaps we should stop planting them and just settle for a few small shrubs instead?
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