Hudson Quarter (Hudson House site)

Catching up on the Hudson Quarter, new buildings on the site of the demolished Hudson House, Jan 2021.
More …Catching up on the Hudson Quarter, new buildings on the site of the demolished Hudson House, Jan 2021.
More …A quick visit to the Haxby Road side of the old Rowntree factory site, aka the Cocoa Works. A new bit of road in, and some demolition.
More …A local walk, along a flood bank. The ings are doing their thing, as the city does its best to deal with another deluge.
More …In difficult times, some late 20th century nostalgia. York in the early 1970s, via a visitor guide book of that time.
More …Some thoughts on how York has changed since I first started to take photos and record my observations and thoughts online, 17 years ago.
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