Going for a spin over Lendal Bridge


Driving over Lendal Bridge in the afternoon, while we still can. Thinking about traffic light timings, looking for the signs that will tell drivers of the restrictions (hidden by a bus), and wondering exactly how it’s going to work. More …

From Bruges, to Barcelona, to Lendal Bridge

Lendal Bridge

Having read many of the online comments, trying to gauge public reaction, it looks like the majority view is that this proposed trial is ‘a bridge too far’. It has provoked what is generally referred to as a ’storm of protest’. I’ve also seen comments of exasperation: ‘It’s just a bridge, get over it!’, answered with ‘We won’t be able to, from Tuesday onwards’. More …

Ben Jonson visits York, via Twitter

Anyone who doesn’t use Twitter but who reads about it in the papers could be forgiven for thinking it’s just full of abuse, populated by people who use it when drunk to argue with complete strangers. Not so. One of its more interesting aspects is the way it has been … More …

From fish to fine ale on Fossgate

1898 building
Fossgate has many handsome buildings. Here’s one of them. Its fancy frontage is lavishly adorned, topped with an eagle, and proudly proclaims that the building dates from 1898. I’ve taken photos of it several times over the years. But … More …