Then and now: remodelled ‘eyesores’

Three buildings rescued since 2004: Shipton St School, Bonding Warehouse, White Swan on Piccadilly. Comparison photos, 2004 and 2014.
More …Three buildings rescued since 2004: Shipton St School, Bonding Warehouse, White Swan on Piccadilly. Comparison photos, 2004 and 2014.
More …Time to catch up on some changes to places previously featured on these pages. Firstly, Shipton St School.
These photos can be enlarged.
Work moves on apace, with … More …
So there’s movement at last on two long-empty “eyesores”, the White Swan Hotel and Shipton Street School site.
More …Another building awaiting redevelopment is Shipton Street School, alongside the football ground, in the Bootham/Clifton area. It has been empty for years.
More …I’ve been following the Victorian Society on Twitter, and this has focussed my mind on some of the Victorian buildings included in these pages over the last eight years, particularly those demolished, or rotting away.
More …July 2009 (photos from 2007)
(Update: for later pages and more recent news see all pages tagged Shipton St School)
Shipton Street School has been empty for years. … More …