Homestead, Pooh Corner, and thoughts from a walk in the park

Finding cheer in Homestead Park, with Eeyore, Tigger, Pooh and friends, and some busy squirrels, and thinking about this particular park’s land, and the Rowntree legacy.
More …Finding cheer in Homestead Park, with Eeyore, Tigger, Pooh and friends, and some busy squirrels, and thinking about this particular park’s land, and the Rowntree legacy.
More …November 2007
This is one of my favourite local green spaces, and I’ve mentioned it before. It’s next to Homestead House, the head office of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, originally Seebohm Rowntree’s house, 100 years ago. Since then the land behind the house has been maintained for the … More …
Autumn 2006
This is the Homestead Park, in Clifton, York. About a hundred years ago, a member of the Rowntree family handed his back garden over to local people. On 16 July 1904, Seebohm Rowntree announced that for a … More …