I’ve recently been doing a lot of digitising – making real world actual things into digital copies, mainly turning old tapes into digital files. While excavating storage boxes I’ve found interesting documents from York’s recent history. Just as important as its ancient history. Well, it is to me.
Here’s a cutting from this day, 26 Feb, 21 years ago. I love people who put the dates on things. Thank you Rene.
The benefit gig was held at York Arts Centre. The building is still there – now occupied by a restaurant/bar – St John’s church at the bottom of Micklegate/corner of North St. The Priory Street Centre is still there too, but of course it too has changed in the intervening 21 years.
Some things change, others are strangely familiar. Jem Walker, quoted in the article, says of the imminent closure:
‘It is ripping the heart out of the city. Maybe Councillor Hills has another use for the centre in mind? A car park? A bus lane, perhaps?’
This is one of those York stories where I don’t have all the pieces to make a story. If you, dear readers, have more information, memories, thoughts or insights, please add a comment.
And if you missed the ‘new material’ This Happy Breed were playing, you might be able to find it, though admittedly it’s not exactly new, 21 years later, in my recently digitised This Happy Breed collection on soundcloud.com.
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