Rawcliffe Meadows: past, present, future


Rawcliffe Meadows is a special place, and deserves more recognition and support. Mick Phythian and Martin Hammond of the Friends of Rawcliffe Meadows explain the importance of the site, the work involved in maintaining it, and the wider changes affecting local green places in recent years.

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Tweet tweet: wild things, York

As I’ve mentioned before, Twitter is full of loveliness, and interesting things, and recently I’ve spotted a few tweets sharing sightings of the other creatures inhabiting the city and its green areas.

Just beyond Clifton Bridge, between Shipton Road and the river, Rawcliffe Meadows supports tiny tansy beetles and also … More …

Down by the riverside

Ouse, York

Thoughts prompted by a controversial planning application to fence off an area of riverside. Antisocial behaviour and council errors. And some music …

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