Have a look at this brochure if you haven’t already seen it:
Brochure for ‘Airspeed – a 1930s adventure’ (PDF, 1.55MB)
This is what we could have in the old Airspeed (Reynard’s) building in Piccadilly. I first included the brochure on here back in 2011, and as there’s a lot more interest now than there was then, I thought I’d mention it again.
The Yorkshire Air Museum plan is being referred to as an ‘Airspeed Museum’. Which makes it sound a bit dull. Like it’s going to be glass display cases with bits of old aircraft in.
It’s far more interesting and wide-ranging than that, as the brochure shows. About conveying the spirit of the times. And with more glamour than you might have expected.
The Yorkshire Air Museum haven’t just popped up now because the building is under threat of demolition – they’ve been trying to arrange its reuse for years. Previous councils didn’t help them and this council wants to demolish the place to build a hotel.
This looks far more interesting, doesn’t it.
If you like the look of ‘Airspeed: a 1930s adventure’, email cllr.dwilliams@york.gov.uk, or tell him on Twitter.
Do we really need another tourist trap niche museum?
‘Visitor attraction’ – not a museum. That niche chocolate-related attraction in King’s Square has been well-supported by City of York Council, it seems. So we can probably fit in accommodating/enabling another.
If revitalizing the surrounding area is one of the aims of redeveloping this site, I can’t help feeling that the Airspeed plan would have done a far better job than yet another hotel.