I write about this place, I take photos of it, and every now and then I feel inspired to record its sounds. Recording on a (rather old) mobile phone, that being the thing I have to hand.
Some sound snippets from this year, at various locations, including the Minster. Lo-tech, documentary type things. (‘Never mind the quality, feel the authenticity’ should perhaps be the slogan.)
(If the above embed doesn’t show try this link)
These sounds are:
Bootham Crescent, evening, 6 August 2013, York City fans singing …
Morning, 16 May, near the Minster, with birdsong and voices …
Evening in King’s Square, 19 June 2013, morris dancing …
21 June, summer solstice, standing at the top of Bachelor Hill, in Acomb, my Acomb. Birdsong and motorbikes …
17 Dec & 21 Dec, city centre sounds, late afternoon, Low Petergate, city centre, Christmas shoppers, music from the Christmas Angels shop doorway, and buskers …
21 Dec, winter solstice, at dusk, on Paddy’s Pitch (across the river from the railway museum and York Station), robin singing, birds and a steam locomotive’s whistle and railway sounds …
21 Dec, by the Minster …
York City fans again, to sing us out. And another whistle from the loco by the NRM
More sounds
2012 snippets of sound, and other bits of York/Yorkshire audio