You know how it is … you’re searching on the internet for something specific, then end up somewhere like, and end up an hour later having not found what you were looking for, but instead saying to yourself ‘Oh wow!’ or perhaps smiling at quaint old things, obscure snippets.
I’ve meant to mention some of these films before. This is perhaps my favourite. Short and sweet, well worth a watch, delightful.
‘Piccadilly in York’
… in which a woman appears to be hanging out her washing on Walmgate Bar.
Also rather fab is this other short film from 1938. There’s much debate just now over the football club’s planned move to a new ground, the ‘Community Stadium’ at Monk’s Cross. Here’s a clip of the team in action on their home turf, when Bootham Crescent was a fairly new football ground, a replacement for the club’s previous ground at Fulfordgate.
York City team in training
This film may remind you of Harry Enfield’s ‘Charles Charlie Charles’ …(which of course is available on youtube) …
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