As we approach the longest day of the year I’m appreciating, as I do every year, how the longer hours of daylight mean more opportunities to take photographs. I love the evening light at this time of the year. My camera doesn’t always capture it as well as I’d like, but here we have the strong June sunlight through a handsome window. Or rather, one window (which could do with a clean), revealing the light through another window. Reminding me of other photos from years ago —
It doesn’t have to be June for the sunlight to make a detail suddenly stand out. Here’s a photo from November 2004, of the same building’s windows. I wonder how many people recognise it.
The other side, bathed in light. November afternoon light, which is softer than June afternoon light.
So where are these lovely details to be found?
Bootham Park chapel, built in 1865 for the patients here at the ‘asylum’, as they called it then. Now used as offices, but retaining the windows with their coloured glass, presumably intended, as in all churches and chapels, to lift the mind to higher thoughts above the mundane cares. Works for me.
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