I’ve just been over on planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/ having a look at current planning applications. A few may be of interest.
These three plans currently open for comment are all for housing, though on very different sites.
Comments welcome, as always.
British Sugar site
The sugarbeet factory was part of York’s industry for decades. The signs for the factory remain, on Millfield Lane, though the site was cleared years ago.
It’s a massive site. Apart from that I know nothing about the plans, and don’t have time to read about them, but if you’d like to, there’s information here on this link, or if that doesn’t work use this link to input the reference number or address from the description of the application:
14/02789/OUTM | Outline application for the development of the site comprising up to 1,100 residential units, community uses (D1/D2) and new public open space with details of access (to include new access points at Millfield Lane and Boroughbridge Road and a new link road, crossing the Former Manor School Site) and demolition of the Former Manor School buildings | British Sugar Corporation Ltd Plantation Drive York YO26 6XF
There’s an accompanying application for the remediation works needed: 14/02798/FULM
Civil Service club site, Boroughbridge Rd
14/02979/FULM | Residential development of 271 dwellings with associated access, public open space, landscaping and infrastructure | Former Civil Service Club Boroughbridge Road York YO26 6BZ
on this link
I couldn’t picture at all where the club site is, but have just looked at the plan and realise that it’s the piece of land I’ve been admiring recently when cycling down Millfield Lane on my way to Acomb (if I go the scenic route). One afternoon in early December this open area and trees with the sun setting above looked so handsome I got off my bike to take a few photos, and thought how lucky we are to still have open spaces like this.
… but not for much longer, apparently. I feel sad to think the view will soon be yet more houses. Still, of course, we’ve got to put them somewhere.
The Ecology Report (PDF) is worth having a look at. Always interesting to see how professional observers describe the details and relative values of certain landscape features. In this case they also spotted a badger dropping.
Pottery Lane
A mere 6 houses, meanwhile, planned for Pottery Lane. I think I need to cycle up there to have a look, as I don’t think I’ve ever been down Pottery Lane. Feel rather cynical about the rather grand-sounding ‘ecology park’.
I think it means ‘leave a bit of green area at the edge and give it a lovely soothing name, to make us feel less guilty about destroying the rest of it’. Mmm? Perhaps? Anyway, here’s the info:
14/02959/FUL | Erection of 6no. dwellings to include ecology park | Land To The South Of 26 Pottery Lane York
on this link
And here’s a plan of the site (PDF)
If those links don’t work, use this one planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/ and enter the reference number above.
How come all the trees have been destroyed at Pottery Lane.