King’s Square: consultation

Remove the trees? Narrow the road? Dig up and bring out the bodies?
You choose …
Well, not really, it’s probably likely that the decision has already been made. But if you’re not as jaded by depressing examples of previous consultations as I am, please do have your say on King’s Square, and the plans for it.

Old headstone, littered with pieces of disposable plastic fork

King’s Square is about to be altered in some way or other. This much is inevitable. It will be reinvigorated/remodelled/improved/gentrified/spoiled/ – choose your own description.

In the main York library (York Explore) there’s a clear and helpful display setting out the ideas for the changes, and, more importantly, why the changes are thought necessary. Consultation forms are also available alongside the display. If preferred, you can respond online, on this link on the council’s website. The consultation runs until 25 Feb 2013. But please if you can read first the details of the proposed changes, available on this other link to the council’s website.

Further posts on this to follow, probably. For now, a few facts:

– it’s not a square, as such, it’s more of a triangle, and it’s quite small
– it once had a church in the middle of it and the raised bit is where its churchyard was (raised area constructed when the church was demolished, apparently)
– it has a grave slab which includes the word ‘encomiums’

– café tables will be fitted in (I expect. Not a historical fact.)

Your views on the plans welcome here too of course.

The scheme architect will be at York Explore library to discuss the proposals this Friday, 8 February 2013, 9 – 4pm.

See also: Further thoughts on the proposals on this site.

About Lisa @YorkStories

Lisa @YorkStories is the creator, administrator, and writer of content on She can be contacted on this link or via Twitter, @YorkStories
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