Impressive frontage planned on Bootham

I’ve never been particularly troubled by the sight of empty shops, but the dilapidation is sad if it means the loss of historic architectural details, as it has here, on Bootham. This was once a handsome frontage, but its detailed fancy bits have suffered. They’ve had a memorably amateurish paint … More …

Capaldi’s Snack Bar, 1950s


Tower Street, where Capaldi’s had a snack bar, next to the shop selling Frigidaire products, and where, in those days, it was possible to park right in front of your premises to load … More …

York Market, 1964

Photos taken by John Chrzanowski (used with permission). The market in Newgate. It would have been quite new to this location at the time these photos were taken. Previously it had been based in nearby Parliament Street.


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