More (very early) railway heritage

19th century iron water tank, against blue sky

Railway enthusiasts will know about this significant structure already, but perhaps the significance of it isn’t generally appreciated. A reminder of our very first, temporary, railway station.

And photos of similar, smaller ones at other stations in Yorkshire.

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Engineers’ triangle – railway roundhouses

Remains of railway roundhouse

Nearest and dearest didn’t look too thrilled at my suggestion that we go down Cinder Lane to look at the Engineers’ Triangle and some rusty old shovels.

Actually I didn’t mention the rusty old shovels, as details were unknown until today.

But it did seem necessary to take up the opportunity being offered to wander around the Engineers’ Triangle.

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Wolds 2 – chalkland

The difference in geology between York and the Wolds landscape to the east becomes apparent when you notice, in the fields, the mole-hills. The amount of earth a mole can churn through has always impressed me – more so these Wolds moles, burrowing through soil studded with white chunks of … More …

Wolds wander – waymarkers, boundary stones

At last, a wander in the wonderful wolds of East Yorkshire. We were heading for Huggate, but ended up in Londesbrough, because I was ‘navigating’. (Too distracted by the undulating land and tree-greenness to take note of turn-offs.)

The Yorkshire Dales and Yorkshire Moors are famous, the undulating Wolds less … More …

WW2 photo – can you help locate?

Ian Blackmore from Newfoundland is hoping to identify the precise location of these photos, taken in October 1942, when his mother was an ATS girl stationed in York. (They can be enlarged.)

[Update: the location seems likely to have been Nunthorpe Hall in York (since demolished). See comments below.]

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