Unless otherwise stated on particular pages, the images on this site were taken by me, and are
© www.yorkstories.co.uk.
And unless it’s obviously a quoted comment, or memories I’ve been sent, all the text is
© www.yorkstories.co.uk too.
So really none of it should be used without permission being given. But I realise that the web doesn’t work like that anymore, and people don’t ask permission. If you’re reading this then you clearly want to do the right thing if you can, so here are some guidelines, and thank you for reading them. If you have questions not answered here, please email me.
Not for profit, Facebook sharing, etc
If you want to use content from this website elsewhere on the web or in a parish newsletter or for educational purposes and you’re not making money from it:
Preferably, ask me. But at the very least, if you use photos or text from this site, credit your source and if it’s for online use link back to this site. Don’t just grab stuff you like the look of.
Include a credit to this website, something like:
‘Photo: www.yorkstories.co.uk’, as a link to this website, or preferably to the actual page you’ve taken it from. If you use a chunk of text, include after it the link to the page you took it from.
If you’re not quoting directly, haven’t used my photos, but have found the information here useful, then please credit that too, and link back to the page you found useful. It helps other people and it’s a nice thing to do.
You can get the link to the specific page by taking the address from the address bar. If it has ‘tag’ or ‘category’ in it that’s not the actual link. You can find the proper address for each page by selecting the ‘Permalink’ link near the bottom of the pages.
Some photos and memories on these pages have been contributed by others or taken from other sources. I’ve always included sources where known, tried very hard to do things properly, so most of the time it should be clear. If it’s not, please ask.
There are one or two things on the site I haven’t been able to find the source for/creator of. If I’ve included something of yours without acknowledgement, and you’d like that adding — or your content removing — let me know and I’ll make the necessary changes.
For profit?
For projects you’ll be making money from, I require payment for the use of my content. Contact me.
Why does it matter?
This website has taken hundreds of hours of work to compile, and a lot of thought and effort. All by one person.
In fifteen years of using the internet I’ve seen things change dramatically. Now we tend to take what we want, and call it ‘sharing’. It’s only sharing if you make an effort to credit the creator and/or link to the source. Otherwise it’s just taking, or stealing, if you like. Content theft. The web is about links, and about respecting other people’s work. So credit your sources, link to the creator’s site, and don’t steal. And please challenge other people who do.