Sounds, and silence

Thoughts on silence, and sounds, and the Minster’s clock bells, marking all the quarter hours, half hours, hours, as we continue to have new rules to live by, and do our best to find our ways through it all.
More …Thoughts on silence, and sounds, and the Minster’s clock bells, marking all the quarter hours, half hours, hours, as we continue to have new rules to live by, and do our best to find our ways through it all.
More … Hurrah, it’s May, and there’s morris dancing happening. Here’s a photo of some morris dancing in King’s Square last May.
I hope to see some later today. I’ve … More …
I write about this place, I take photos of it, and every now and then I feel inspired to record its sounds. Recording on a (rather old) mobile phone, that being the thing I have to hand.
Some sound snippets from this year, at various locations, including the Minster. Lo-tech, … More …
The May bank holiday was scented by blossom. Technology can’t deliver that, but I did capture some sounds. Beginning with a buzzing bee by our back door, ending up on Strensall Common.
Spring has been a long time coming. Here in the UK we’re particularly surprised when a bank … More …
About an hour and a quarter left of 2012 at the time of writing.
I thought this was worth a go … as an alternative representation of 2012, through this resident’s eyes. Well, ears. Just for a change.
Recorded clips from my mobile phone, at various places on the streets … More …