The ings do their thing: Clifton and Rawcliffe

A local walk, along a flood bank. The ings are doing their thing, as the city does its best to deal with another deluge.
More …A local walk, along a flood bank. The ings are doing their thing, as the city does its best to deal with another deluge.
More …Floodwaters divert me towards a rusty relic and a bit of Clifton’s history, a remnant of an old path by the Ouse.
More …I can’t leave the 1970s newspaper without mentioning a couple of other things reported in that edition of the Yorkshire Evening Press of 30 December 1978.
More …How the Leeman Road area used to suffer in the floods, before the defences. Perspectives from back then, and now.
More …The Burdyke bubbling up, on Clifton Green and Water Lane, in Clifton, York, during the floods of December 2015.
More …I’ve been reading a lot of interesting documents about floods in York, in the past, and strategies for coping in the future. I thought I’d share the links here.
More …Perhaps today’s announcement of funding is an admission that our flood-defending infrastructure has got a bit old and knackered and needs some maintenance.
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