Glorious summer, and this sun in York

Some summer happenings noticed on my wanderings – photos and notes on Spark:York, the Rose Theatre, Bloom York, and Dean’s Park.
More …Some summer happenings noticed on my wanderings – photos and notes on Spark:York, the Rose Theatre, Bloom York, and Dean’s Park.
More …The disused Parliament Street fountain becomes a support for advertising boards, while a cleaned-up Etty – heritage campaigner of his day – overlooks the Exhibition Square fountain.
More …Photos and observations on the repaving work in Exhibition Square. ‘Before and after’ photos.
More …In 1971 York Civic Trust provided a new fountain for Exhibition Square. It’s still there, but as previously mentioned, it’s apparently eroding the Etty statue.
More …There are many photographs of Exhibition Square in the City of York archives, illustrating the changes in over a century of use. Seems a good time to look at some, in the light of the current consultation. (Archive images used with permission.)
First, this photo from its early days. Our … More …
A good thing about the council’s ‘Reinvigorate York’ projects and the accompanying consultations is that they make us pay closer attention to places we perhaps take for granted.
More …According to the Reinvigorate York information, relocation of the Etty statue is necessary because he’s been under attack from the adjacent fountain.
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