York Walks /4

River Ouse and autumn floods

Photographed in October 2004


Bonding Warehouse, with flood water   Steps by Skeldergate bridge, which usually lead to a pavement

I was hoping to have a wander down by the riverside, up to the Millennium Bridge, but the river had done its usual autumn thing and decided to spread out a bit wider, over the riverside paths. Above, left, river water laps around the Bonding Warehouse, and encroaches onto the road that usually gives access under the archway of Skeldergate Bridge (below right).

River Ouse, wider than normal   Floods by Skeldergate Bridge

By the Museum Gardens

River Ouse in flood by the Museum Gardens   River Ouse by Lendal Bridge
No access to riverside path!  

When I visited the Museum Gardens on 24 October the river was creeping up into the lower parts of the gardens, as it often does when in flood. The river is usually behind the far railing in the photo, but here it has covered the riverside walkway and reached the railings of the Museum Gardens, creeping over in places and forming rather marshy growing conditions, temporarily, for the gardens' plants.

The river wasn't in flood when this was taken, but I wanted to include it as I thought it was quite interesting. The Westgate Apartments, on the opposite bank from the Museum Gardens, reflected in the river. Some people dislike this modern new building, and some people find it rather handsome. It looks beautiful here though, reflected in the water.

  Westgate Apartments reflected in River Ouse

See also: Wanderings: waterworld,, from 2006, for photos and information on the ings and the flood defences.