Dining, dancing, drinking, shopping: York, 1973

As previously mentioned, I’ve a small pile of publications bought at the Barbican Bookshop closing down sale. Mainly guidebooks, dating from the 1960s, 70s and 80s.

They were basically the last remaining remnants of a once well-stocked ‘York’ shelf of secondhand books. Plus some I found in a box on the floor in the corner. I thought I’d rescue them, and share these glimpses of a York many of us remember. These ads are from a 1973 guide.

Hand drawn ad

Ad for Leak and Thorp department store, York, 1973

First up, Leak and Thorp, and this fab hand-drawn advert of their Coney Street shop. (Now home to Next, Monsoon and River Island. Google Street View)

Back then you could get ‘almost everything’ at Leak and Thorp’s, and even get your hair done. ‘Hairdo’ must have been a relatively new and unfamiliar term, the inverted commas around it suggest.

1970s advert

Harlequin Restaurant, York, 1973 advert

The Co-op, as I recall, was also a massive store, and it too had a restaurant. We must have had far lower expectations back in the 70s – the ‘clean and pleasant surroundings’ are emphasised.

Advert, 1970s

Ad for the White Swan Hotel, Piccadilly, 1973

Hey, it’s an ad from the days when the White Swan on Piccadilly was open, way back long ago. The listing in the same publication sheds a little more light on what went on in the White Swan before its decades-long closure. Its ‘Tartina Restaurant’ was an Italian pizza bar and coffee house, offering speciality pizzas. In 1973 you could get your lunch here for 95p, and dinner for £1.15.

1970s ad

Advert for the Viking Hotel, York, 1973

The Viking Hotel, as many of us knew it as for years, though it’s now a Park Inn. That huge building next to the river, on North Street. It was built in 1968, so was quite new when advertised here, in the 1973 guide. It boasted a ‘fine collection of ship ephemera’.

1970s ad

Ad for Old World Club, York, 1973

After admiring the ship ephemera and the river views you might have fancied a dance. You could pop down to the Old World to get down to the latest tunes, like, er, Get Down, by Gilbert O’Sullivan, and other hits of 1973. Bands like Slade, Wizzard, Deep Purple, The Sweet, songs like ‘Nutbush City Limits’ and ‘Radar Love’. Alongside these memorable musical highlights drifted a river of rather mournful-sounding ballads – Daydreamer/The Puppy Song by David Cassidy doesn’t sound like something you’d be strutting your stuff to on the Old World dance floor. Perhaps something you’d sit in a dark corner and cry to, over a glass of Liebfraumilch.

1970s ads

Ad for the Willow Restaurant, York, 1973

The Old World Club is long gone. But The Willow is still there, on Coney Street, just like it was in 1973. Back then it was above Richard Shops, which as I recall was a women’s fashion store. ‘Continental fashions’ could be found at the ‘Pussycat Boutique’ on nearby Stonegate.

And finally – nothing to do with York particularly, but in the same 1973 guide, and I just had to share it with you, dear readers, as it’s so very 1970s in so many ways.

1970s advert

‘Give her Golden Guinea’. 1970s ad

For younger readers I should perhaps mention that ‘gay’, in those days, had a completely different meaning, one now noted by dictionaries as a ‘dated’ usage.

The recent debate over the changes in King’s Square included many rather scornful references to the ‘1970s cobbles’, as if the 1970s were so recent that anything dating from that time had no historical significance. When I look at these ads, the 1970s sure looks like ‘history’ to me.

In 1973 I was a bit too young to be out dancing at the Old World Club, but if you remember it, or any of the other places, please add your comments and memories below.

. . . . . .

Source: Ads from the ‘Eating out in York and District’ guide, published by York & District Hotels and Restaurants Association. Foreword by the Earl of Halifax, dated January 1973. Art Direction and Editorial by Capon Associates, York. Printed by Rusholmes, York.

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Lisa @YorkStories is the creator, administrator, and writer of content on www.yorkstories.co.uk. She can be contacted on this link or via Twitter, @YorkStories
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  1. Fantastic stuff, thanks for bringing this to light! Despite the name changes these are superb examples of “real history” and of great interest to those who live and work in the city and, dare I say it, every bit as fascinating as our ancient past. I remember seeing dodgy goth bands downstairs at the Old World during the eighties… mainly because I was in one!!

  2. Great stuff. Leak and Thorp was too posh for us, but the Co-Op, before it became Victoria House, was enormous. The cafe was incredible, acres (it seemed) of formica and a cabinet of luminous vanilla slices behind little perspex sliding hatches on the sweets counter. It also had those mesmeric orange juice dispensers that constantly swirl and mix watery Kia-Ora. If there was one shop I could bring back though it would be ‘Precious’ on Petergate, I would simply love to take my kids to that shop, a magical toyshop.

  3. Peter Johnson

    I was a regular at the Old World from around 1973. It was a labyrinth of bars, grills and dance floors. A fabulous place but when I think back it was a health and safety nightmare. The owner was Geoff I think, can’t remember his second name.Whenever I hear certain disco records from that time I always think of the Old World

  4. Still have my old world membership card :) now Kennedy’s , can never suss out where the stairs down to the cellar went tho.. In a total different place now

  5. Further thought to the old world .. I still see one o the doormen wandering around the Clifton area “Judd” I think his name was he used to be a regular in the grey mare, really tall guy … Also in the late 70’s there used to be this crazy woman dancer up in the top dance room .. Used to see her a lot cycling down bootham … Another old world story was one of the doormen did a bus jump up Clifton moor for charity (think that must have been on what is now the gypsy site) also saw one of local legend Gary Barratts band “nerve senta” in the cellar ..

    • went to ashfield secondary modern on taddy road ,1969/1971 gary barrett was in my class i still have the LP of nerve senta..in my cupboard ..i believe one of the other lads in the band was tony jackson …he used to live next door to me in wains rd dringhouses

    • Judd is still a regular in the Grey Mare.
      Remember well the girl on the bike riding down Bootham always put a great deal of energy in riding that bike of her’s.

    • Martin Nicholas

      I remember the Girl on the Bike, a bit of a Hippy i thnk. Lived near the Mitre, good looking Girl too. I spent many a night at various night clubs, Jack and jills, old world, and the 71 club were the main ones for me. Judd Archer, great guy, had many a pint in the Old Grey Mare with him. The 70s were a great time, life was a lot simpler then.

  6. Way back in the late seventies when I was student we you use to frequent a nightclub in York called the Old World, great club. I eventually got around to begin writing a song about it… work in progress and if you fancy a listen here it is :)

  7. The Old World was owned by Geoff Hull & The 71 Club at the bottom of Micklegate was owned by Neville England, along with Walkers Bar and The Staircase Restaurant all connected by the cellars which stretch for miles under the streets(used to be Walkers wine merchants). I worked there from ’73 for a few years, good times, no bouncers on the door of the 71 Club in the early 70’s, all female door staff. Didn’t need them in those days as people had respect for women & more respect for themselves, there was very little trouble.
    We had a reciprocal arrangent with the door staff at The Old World, we both let each others staff in for nothing. I remember Judd from the Old World, tall guy with long hair.

    • Judd once hung me over the stairs in the old world, his idea of fun.

    • Louise clark

      I worked at neville englands place as general assistant.Worked all the floors I was just 15 turning 16 and Rusty was the main person in charge .Ive been trying to trace where exactly it was .Thankyou Amazing lu x

  8. Gary Harman

    The old world club on Stongate sounds facinating wish it was still there . Kirby Howard listened to your song hope ypu have finished it its a great song :-)

    • Kirby Howarth

      Hey Gary, so Soundcloud brought me back here as it linked to this feed I guess because of the link above.
      Anyway thanks for the feedback and sorry it’s taken me so long to reply, oh and song is finished ;)

  9. Ernie Brown

    I worked at Old World Club dealing cards in the casino – ah happy days

  10. I used to go to old world 70s and 80s I worked in the white swan hotel late seventies used to do the micklegate run starting at the mount pub on blossom street

  11. i used to work at the royal station hotel late 70`s used to do micklegate run old world .71 club aquarius…used to play darts for nags head in micklegate …loved going in grob n ducket ….those were good days .!!!

  12. Andrew Harben

    Loved the Tavern on the Town

    • Chris Thorpe

      I worked in the Tavern in the Town it was the best place to be in York at the time. The downstairs cellar had a great weekend disco. Best times of my life.

  13. I worked in The Old World, was a chap called Geoff and Lynn Pearson who owned It, I went on to manage the pub they owned on the A64, great times.

  14. Libby corboz

    So glad at last to find this. I used to go every week to this club, when I was a student nurse. It was Fantastic. Had the time of my life there.

    • Do you know what the nightclub underneath Yates was in the 80’s?

      • Aquarius and then Jollies I think

      • Chris Thorpe

        Yes if you mean Yates now then it was the Tavern in the Town. I worked there for 3 years on the evenings. it was the most amazing place to be in the Yorkshire at the time.

    • Helen Farquharson

      Yes me too! I was also a student nurse and I didn’t have to dress up went in my jeans and Afghan coat! Danced my socks off in there!! Happy Days!

  15. I’ve just been searching for that myself as I used to go there in the late 70s. I’d park my Lambretta in the small car park down the little alley, behind the church. The nights I went they played Soul Music.
    I think it was the Aquarius or was that the one in Lady Peckets Yard?

    Used to also go to the Ebor Suite at the side of the Cat’s Whiskers

  16. Jennifer Zakariyyau

    Is the Old world club, where there is a bar
    oppersit. if so I worke there. sutch a great
    club. was it open on Sundays.

    • Christopher Manning

      I do remember most of the clubs mentioned above including Tiffanys, The Heartbeat and the Ebor Suite(same nightclub building – different names over the years) where The Rialto Cinema and later Mecca Bingo Hall in Fishergate was.
      The Olde Worlde Club in Stonegate was opposite Ye Olde Starre Inn. Three levels as I remember. Most popular was the basement disco dance floor – incredibly small – but who cared! In the mid 1960s before it became The Olde Worlde Club, it was the Mandrake Club, popular with senior schoolboy “Mods” at my old school. during the one and a half hour lunch break.
      Oh – and dont forget Jack and Jill’s nightclub in Bootham during the late 1970s.

      • First it was The Mandrake then it became The Zarf club the it was The old Worlde.

  17. Chris Moore

    I worked in Leak and Thorpe’s 1973-4 as a Saturday and holiday employee, operating the lift, packing in the basement and out making deliveries including furniture to some very posh houses. One of the directors gave me some valuable careers advice so in September 1974 I left to work for the Halifax Building Society in Davygate. Staff there introduced me to the delights of the Olde Worlde Club, Cats Whiskers and Brumnels. I also worked some evenings in the nearby Dean Court Hotel to supplement my pay. The Olde Worlde Club played a variety of music including Bachman Turner Overdrive. The Cats Whiskers had a house band that played on a revolving stage and they served meals in a basket. Fun times!

    • Andrew Harben

      Do you remember a girl called Gail who worked there in 1972, lovely girl , one of my first girlfriends, she used to buy me drinks usually at the tavern on the town or centre bar, good memories

      • Hi Andrew I used to work at Godfrey walkers children home in 1971 I cant remember anyone called Gail but I used to go with some of the other Nursery Nurses to the The Tavern in town, happy memories.

  18. Deborah Roberts

    Loved the Mandrake, The Tavern in the town, La Bamba and the 71 Club .
    Remember 71 owner Neville England , quite a lad with the women.He was a great pal of my chap at the time Tony Witham
    They also loved E type Jags and whisky .
    Lethal mix !
    But one of the best places was Peter Maddens in Petergate
    Restaurant downstairs sort of coffee bar hang out upstairs.
    The place had an atmosphere all of its own .
    Peter enjoyed the young folk wandering in and out at leisure .He was really larger than life.
    His kitchen would see us all frequenting when we were low on cash and he would then present us with huge fried egg sandwiches for nil cost.
    It was best not to look at the kitchens cleanliness !
    They were truly the best of times and far better than anything today’s young take part in.

  19. Jennifer Connors

    I moved to York in 1975. From Miami Fla, my Mother was homesick and wanted to spend time with her Mother.After obtaining a job, I got to know Carol Waitling, she introduced me to Old World. I just turned 17 when Dancing Queen came out.I spent most of the time on the floor that played Motown Music.I moved back to the States in 1980 but traveled back every year to see my Mother untill her death in 2004.Lots of good memories especialy when I hear Dancing Queen.

    • Carol Warwick was Watling

      Hi Jennifer,
      Just reading what you put about old world, great memories

  20. Peter Stott

    In the very early 70’s I moved from Guppy’s night club to work at the Heartbeat Disc at side of The Cats Whiskers as the DJ for one night a week to start off and ende d doing 5 nights a week. Great days! I enjoyed every minute of it and it has influenced my choice of music for life. Soul, Northern Soul and Tamla….can’t beat it.

    • David Hendry

      Hi Peter, Must have known you as i was a regular at the Heartbeat! but memory fails me did john steel take over from you? all the best dave

      • Joe tolomeo

        Great times at the heartbeat

        • Stewart Brannan

          Hi Joe, I agree the Heartbeat was fantastic. You probably don’t remember me but I lived next door to you with my wife; Debbie, in Wigginton in the mid-1979s.

    • Stewart Brannan

      Hi Pete,

      We never met as such but me and my mates used to come to the Heartbeat all the time and listen to you. It was the best club in York by a mile. We were massive Northern Soul scooter boys (Lambretta not Vespa). I think John Steel used to DJ as well? Some of my best memories come from those Heartbeat days; the music and dancers!

  21. Lynn longhawn

    Does anyone remember Joe the Black guy who drove the large American car who was a regular at the Old World?

  22. Lance Matthews

    Can any kind person tell me about the Intercon night club in York, early 1970’s. Regards lance

    • Keith Dawson

      Yes used to go in the Intercon nightclub which was within the Stonebow building, we were given free tickets in the Stonebow pub across the road,this came with its downside though, because the bouncers were from the Tang Hall area and so were the clubbers, and with us coming from Acomb, South Bank and Clifton areas this led to them picking fights, in fact I was in the wrong place at the wrong time when this occurred one night, and I got two teeth knocked out, apart from that it was great place to go on a weekend.
      Also another club I used to go in was down Lady Peckitts Yard,it was the Hypnotique nightclub after closing time at the Golden Fleece, happy days.

    • Yes my wife Sandy used to work there taking the entrance money.
      It went well for a while ( remember the Intercom was where the German Beerkeller used to be)
      I remember seeing the fabulous The Tremeloes played there ( Silence is Golden ) . York was amazing in the 70’s – Sandy & I were divorced & I’ve been in Australia since 1987

  23. Margaret Spaven nee Hampson

    Many memories of the old world club used to drink in the Old Star INN then go to the club I was usually with Bev Peace and Karen

  24. Went to the Old World a couple of times and found it was a dirty shitty place, never went again. I liked the 71 Club and Brummels. They were good. Anyone remember Jack and Gills?? I went there a few times, but that wasn’t much better than the Old World.

  25. Marg suter

    Does anyone remember what they called the casino next to to The Boulevard on Tadcaster Road?

  26. Chris Rowe

    I used to have Ye Olde Starre Inne in the 70s and 80s and spent many night after closing in the Olde World Club. It was indeed Geoff Hull and Lynn Pearson who owned it. The DJ in the cellar bar was Ray Wichelo who always played 50s and 60s music – a lot of Buddy Holly and Eddie Cochran. Brilliant!

    • Ginevra Davis

      Hi Chris – Apparently my great grandad (I think surname was Body but could be wrong) was a landlord of Ye Olde Starre Inn probably 1800s or early 1900s but I have no details on this. Any idea of where I could look? Thanks

  27. Anna Daniel

    Geoff Hull of the olde world club was my dad. I spent many enjoyable nights there both working and socialising. Also frequented Brummells and Casanova’s. Happy memories. I remember the doormen of the olde world well. Judd ( George Archer) and Dave Moss and at one stage geordie Alan. My brothers Glen, Bob and Dan also frequented the olde world.

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